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3D activation

GeorgeG's picture
Registered: May 21 2008
Posts: 9

How do i make the 3D animation active by default, rather than having to click on it first?

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 7.0.7, Windows
dhallida's picture
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 31
Hi George,

You will need to choose the select object tool (arrow) from the advanced editing toolbar. Once you have done that, right click on the 3D object. Select "Properties" and then go to "default annimation state". Toggle to the setting you want.

I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.