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3D Argent help needed

rmkumaran's picture
Registered: Feb 13 2011
Posts: 9

Hi Pros,
first of all thanks to for providing this much resource,
I am working as a Graphic designer in 3D as well as 2D, we are creating a POC in 3D pdf, i am responsible to create a 3D model and animate. i have no programmer knowledge, what i want is, how to control a U3D animation in acrobat pro extender, i want stop and start script. i have tryed some resource given my but no use, can anyone help me to get this.
thanks in advance,
Graphic designer,

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 9.0, Windows
rmkumaran's picture
Registered: Feb 13 2011
Posts: 9
I may send my pdf, so anyone can where is done a mistake.
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Full details are in the JavaScript reference documentation from the Acrobat SDK, but the basic idea is as follows:

Within the script attached to your 3D scene, you need to activate the animation you wish to control (as there can be several in the file), with something like:

var _anim = scene.animations.getByIndex(0);

The event which stops the animation can then call runtime.pause() or, and to reset the timeline you can set _anim.currentTime to a value in seconds. If the play/pause event is to be attached to something at document level, you must define "runtime" with a reference to the 3D context, such as
