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3d model appearance in a PDF document

ossosso's picture
Registered: May 21 2009
Posts: 2

Hi everyone!
I'm testing Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended and what I'd like to do is to create a pdf document with a 3d model to explore.

What I'm not able to do is to give this object a good shader (material)+illumination set.

If I open a 3d model in Acrobat 9 Pro Ext I can righclick on it and start "Adobe 3d Reviewer" (where I think I can find all the tools I need).

Under the object proberties I can just few paramters, how can I insert a reflection map for example? for a more realistic metallic effect?
Where can I insert a texture for the diffuse channel? bump.. and so on.

About the illumination set: under the Adobe 3D Reviewer under "Edit-->Preferences-->3D" I can change Light0 - Light1 position and intensity.. but once applied and "File-->Save back in PDF", illumination set aren't kept.

I thank you very much for any explanation about the managment of these two aspects: material (shaders) and Lights editing.

Thank you.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1.1, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
3D Reviewer is basically what it says it is - a way to review 3D files created by someone else, before using them. It's not a full-featured editor and texturing application, and neither does the on-screen 3D renderer in Acrobat support advanced texture effects even if you had them in the original file.

As to the lights not updating - make sure you've selected "lights from file" on the lighting pulldown menu and 3D properties panel within the Acrobat 3D viewport, to override Acrobat's internal light sets.
jenssto09's picture
Registered: May 26 2009
Posts: 10
there are reflectionseffects and chrome effects possible if you use 3ds max.

You can see it in the glass of the museum. reflectionmaps work fine in acrobat 3d and extended, after exporting it to rh and importing it in u3d.

Best regards Jens