Hi everyone!
I'm testing Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended and what I'd like to do is to create a pdf document with a 3d model to explore.
What I'm not able to do is to give this object a good shader (material)+illumination set.
If I open a 3d model in Acrobat 9 Pro Ext I can righclick on it and start "Adobe 3d Reviewer" (where I think I can find all the tools I need).
Under the object proberties I can just few paramters, how can I insert a reflection map for example? for a more realistic metallic effect?
Where can I insert a texture for the diffuse channel? bump.. and so on.
About the illumination set: under the Adobe 3D Reviewer under "Edit-->Preferences-->3D" I can change Light0 - Light1 position and intensity.. but once applied and "File-->Save back in PDF", illumination set aren't kept.
I thank you very much for any explanation about the managment of these two aspects: material (shaders) and Lights editing.
Thank you.
As to the lights not updating - make sure you've selected "lights from file" on the lighting pulldown menu and 3D properties panel within the Acrobat 3D viewport, to override Acrobat's internal light sets.