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3D obejects cannot be viewd in Acrobat reader

Abi's picture
Registered: Apr 19 2007
Posts: 2

Dear 3D expert,
I have created a PDF 3D object with Acrobat 3 D (trial version)
I can view this object and move it in acrobat 3d
When I view this object in Acrobat reader 7.0 or 8.0 I get only a two dimension picture, no 3D function
What am I doing wrong ?

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8, Windows
jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
Most likely you are storing the 3D geometry in the PDF using one of the new geometry format options like PRC or U3D ECMA 3. Try regenerating the PDF and using U3D ECMA 1 option. (You will find this under the 'Import Tab' for the 3D Conversion settings that launches when you drag and drop a 3D file onto Acrobat 3D. You can also find this via 'Edit > Preferences > 3D' then selecting a specific 3D format and choosing 'Edit Settings'.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com