I've been trialling the 3D Reviewer replacement for 3D Toolkit.
Imported my CAD data (I-Deas Assembly) and then created 3 configurations showing closed, open & exploded positions. I Like the accuracy of the new move/rotate tool - good stuff. However on saving to PDF I've come across a show stopper, the configs come through listed as PDF views but the part orientations within the configs do not, all parts are in the same orientation as the default config. This is with the latest Acrobat Reader.
I can help... You didn't say if you opened the CAD files directly in 3D Reviewer, but it sounds like you did. If so, you simply create the configurations you want and make sure you lock them. I usually toggle them to make sure I did what I intended. Then, what you want to do is export as PDF, not save as (or save back to PDF if you converted first in Acrobat, which will not create the views). Click "export" and then select PDF next to save as type. Also, check options. A preferences menu will appear. Select options again and make sure "all configurations" is selected. That should work. Let me know if you are still having trouble.
I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.