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Acrobat 9 Pro Extended - Import Models from SolidWorks 2008

Kevin Hunt
Kevin Hunt's picture
Registered: Jan 15 2009
Posts: 8

When I create models in 3D, the Coordinate Triad is orientated with the y-axis vertical, z-axis horizontal coming out of the paper and x to the right - this is standard SW construction and looks fine. When I import the same model into A9 Pro Ex - the triad is in a different orientation and the default view is rolled around to yield a view that is nothing like the one I created. I can make new views and set them as default but that seems to be a wasted effort. Is it possible for Acrobat to be made to replicate EXACTLY what SW generates?


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Acrobat's 3D world is Z-up, so you'll have to reorient a Y-up 3D model before import. Spinning inside Acrobat and saving as a new default view won't work as the lighting will appear rotated - remember Acrobat views move the camera, not the mesh.
Kevin Hunt
Kevin Hunt's picture
Registered: Jan 15 2009
Posts: 8
Sounds OK but SW offers a standard CAD orientation that is different to Acrobat. Obviously, I can create a new view in SW that shows the model re-orientated but it is not an engineering solution to the problem. For example - if I model a tank, it is logical to make its sides vertical or in the y-plane; if I then import it as a CAD model into Acrobat, the tank tips over and the logic is lost. Is it not possible to re-jig the triad in Reviewer to align the output of SW with the input of Acrobat?
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Nope, not any more. In Acro 8.3D you could edit a mesh in 3D Toolkit and rotate the world as required, but 3D Reviewer doesn't allow the base axis system to be changed or deleted. You can add a second one, but Acrobat ignores it (just displaying the gizmo as another object in the scene).

There are free utility programs which can flip the axes in 3D file formats such as OBJ, but I can't find one for SW files. Non-free, you have things like Deep Exploration, which is what 3D Toolkit grew into.
jjbaulikki (not verified)
jjbaulikki's picture
Thanks UVSAR
granny88's picture
Registered: Jul 1 2009
Posts: 2
ditto. Thanks UVSAR