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Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended and Inventor 2009 files

Thaddeus's picture
Registered: Aug 22 2008
Posts: 5

Earlier this week I chatted with an adobe representative online, this representative told me that Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended would print my Inventor 2009 files.

I just loaded Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended and it fails just the way Adobe 3D did.

I wish representatives of Adobe would not mislead me into thinking that upgrading would cure my 3D printing issues.

You know with new versions of 3d cad software coming out every 12 months and each 3d cad software company having their own schedule.

Adobe as a software company has to be on track and must put out updates for their software when the 3D cad software companies make their releases.

I know both SolidWorks and Inventor has Beta versions out long before the final version ships, this should give you ample time to do your job with software updates.

Forewarning, SolidWorks just came out with their 2009 Beta version, Inventor will most likely ship their next version in 8 month or less.

I assume you want to stay being the first name in document software?

Totally disappointed customer

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
bramshot's picture
Registered: Oct 16 2008
Posts: 1

I am a new user trying to introduce 3D into our company to enable wider viewing of 3D models created using Inventor, primarily for presentational purposes but also to assist in production.

I have found that some models open no problem (typically - the one I used as a test case did!) but others do not and return error 1099. They may well have been created by Inventor 2009 to which we have recently upgraded.

If this is the case I too feel somewhat cheated, especially as it was I who persuaded the 'boss' to fork out for an upgrade to 9 Pro extended.

Does anyone know what error 1099 is?

If this is a compatibility issue, does anyone know when (or if) there will be an upgrade available to allow reading Inv 2009 files? Will it be free?

I suppose I could work via a Step file intermediary but it is shame to lose the 'tree' info.
olin's picture
Registered: Sep 12 2008
Posts: 3
I am having the same issues here with Inventor .iam and .ipt files created using Inventor 11. The files will open with the Inventor Viewer, but the 3D Reviewer is unable to open them. If I try to convert the files to PDF, Acrobat claims the file path is incorrect.
The strange thing is that I can open the individual part drawings that make up the complete drawing, but not the complete drawing.
Maybe this is caused by the way Inventor or the designers are importing the parts into the complete drawing?
I spent an hour on the tech line with Adobe. They were unable to help without me sending the file to them, which the boss said I can't do.
c2grainger's picture
Registered: Jan 23 2009
Posts: 1
I had the same problem. The fix is posted on this forum.
olin's picture
Registered: Sep 12 2008
Posts: 3
In relation to my post above:
I found the problem to be the way some of the files were used in Inventor. It seems that some of the CAD designers were in a hurry and did not properly import some of the parts into the main Inventor files I've had trouble opening. When opening the drawings in Inventor, there are error messages about unresolved links that most of the designers have been ignoring because the file still opens in Inventor.