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Ansys Workbench 11 3D analysis

CADSmith's picture
Registered: Mar 7 2008
Posts: 3

Is it possible to create a 3D PDF for reports of an Ansys Workbench 11 stress plot that includes the stress color contours and the color reference bar that goes along with it?

If so how is this done? I can capture a model from within Ansys but I lose all color definition aswell as the color reference bar?


My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.1.2, Windows
jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
You can only capture the 3D information via the 3D Capture feature. You may be able to do what are hoping to do by generating a regular print screen of the Ansys application and cropping the resulting image to just be the legend information you want. You can then turn that image into a Stamp and apply it directly to the 3D Annotation (the container for the 3D content).

If you disable the 3D Annotation before applying the stamp, the stamp's image will be available all the time. If you apply it after activating the 3D annotation, it will become a markup entity associated with a single view (which may be useful...)

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com

CADSmith's picture
Registered: Mar 7 2008
Posts: 3
Hi Jim, thanks for your reply.

As a matter of fact what you have described here is EXACTLY what I actually figured out and have been doing since i wrote the message request. This process actually works very well and if you use a PNG file for the stamp image file you can set the background to be transparent (use a graphics program).

This allow the 3D capture to then be visible "under" the color legend, works great and is very useful for reports.

fuller30's picture
Registered: Feb 24 2011
Posts: 1
Dear Jim or CADsmith,

I know this is a very old post, but since there is not much literature on the capture process and this is the ONLY mention of a successful 3d capture of ansys, I need to ask how you accomplished this.

were there any special settings in ansys? were you able to get the stress plot actually textured on the zoomable, rotatable 3d-pdf? Do you still use this configuration to make these pdfs?

I have tried adobe acrobat 9 extended and it seems like it could work, but gives errors about being "unconfigured". Acrobat x seems to have eliminated 3d pdf support..

Thanks for the help,

jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
Hello Fuller30,

The 3D Capture capability in Acrobat 7, 8 and 9 is configurable. It has been a long time since I looked at it and I do not currently have access to versions other than v 10 (Acrobat X Pro), but if I recall correctly, you can change the 3D Capture settings using the Edit > Preferences dialogue and then looking around for 3D Capture in the categories. You may also be able to find information in the Acrobat 9 Product help on how to configure 3D Capture. There are different triggers you can ask the Capture engine to react to and you will need to use a trial and error process to see which ones work for your specific application.There is also a one time registration process you need to go through as well. That process is described at the beginning of this doc:
(apologies if you have already done this..)

Currently the 3D Capture capability is not available as part of Tetra 4D's 3D PDF Converter. We are hoping to be able to make it available again in the near future.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com