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batch processing

vbriegel's picture
Registered: Dec 18 2006
Posts: 4

We want to run Adobe 3D in batch process in background creating 3D PDF from CAD (ProE) models. This is possible by: call "C:\Programme\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" C:\a\c\final_rod.prt ---> here I get the 3D PDF.
Question: how to enhance the batch line above to save the 3D PDF back to same/other folder.
Thanks a lot

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8, Windows
leonardr's picture
Registered: Feb 14 2006
Posts: 333
Acrobat doesn't support this type of operation from the command line.

instead, use the Batch Processing feature built into Acrobat itself OR use platform scripting/automation tools such as VBScript.


Leonard Rosenthol
PDF Standards Architect
Adobe Systems