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batch processing

vbriegel's picture
Registered: Dec 18 2006
Posts: 4

To run Adobe 3D in command line mode is not possible. If I use method "batch processing" is there a possibility to use this feature in a command line process? If not can you please give me an example or the source how to open/create and save a 3D PDF file out of a folder with native CAD data. Thanks a lot

thomp's picture
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
Acrobat is not a command line tool. About the most you can do from the command line is print a file. It's an interactive tool. Everything you do with it requires interactive user input.

If you want to automate the creation of 3D files you'll need external software. Right Hemishpere might make somthing for this.

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