Hi, I am new to Acrobat 3D so maybe this is a typical newbie question with an obvious answer:
I would like to make the lower levels of the model tree inaccessible for viewers, while still keeping the parts on that level in the model. If I delete the lower levels in the 3D toolkit, they become invisible. I merely want to stop the viewer of the PDF file from digging down past a certain detail level.
Is this something I can do in Acrobat 3D or should I get the engineers to create subassys (i.e. creating groups that cannot be disassembled further) at a certain level before I import the file into Acrobat ? I am not even sure whether that is possible at all.
What I want to do is create a service manual where the lowest clickable level of objects represents the parts that can be ordered from the spares department.
Thanks for any advice that points me in the right direction.
Obviously you are using V7 or V8. In those versions, deleating parts of the model in the 3D Toolkit is certainly a way to do what you wish to do. There really isn't a way to prevent provent "deeper" vavigation of the model with the ut-of-the-box tools. In general the same can be said for 3D Reviewerand Acrobat pro Exteded v9. There is additional capability to show/hide individual parts both within Acrobat and 3D Reviewer, but no easy way to prevent navigation of the model tree. In v9 however, you can incrementally import portions of the model, so the task is easier. Also, if needed, you can load new files into an existing model. Both of these options could lessen the work that neds to be performed to simplify the model.
Hope this helps!
I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.