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Catia V5R17 symbol conversion problem.

luckyal's picture
Registered: Nov 2 2007
Posts: 2

Right clicking on a .CATPart (V5R17) and selecting Convert To PDF substitues all diameter symbols with description of the symbol instead. Doing a screen capture from within CATIA eliminates this problem, however it screws up the axis system translation and the tree parameter callouts.

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
jim_merry's picture
Registered: Jul 18 2007
Posts: 58
This is a known bug with Acrobat 3D version 8. Periodically Adobe will release updates to the CAD importers that address issues like this as well as add support for newer versions of the various CAD formats. We cannot say publicly when or if such an update will be available or what exactly is in it, but if/when we do release an update, you will be able to obtain it free of charge via the 'Check for Updates' feature in Acrobat 8.

Jim Merry, VP 3D PDF, Tetra 4D, jim [dot] merry [at] tetra4d [dot] com

briciola52's picture
Registered: Feb 16 2009
Posts: 1
can you tell me somone program with real render?? thx