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disable/customize 3D navigation toolbar

Hemn's picture
Registered: Oct 24 2008
Posts: 2

Is there anyway to disable the navigation toolbar, or remove some buttons or maybe customize it?
Sometimes you don't want the end-user to be able to put different lights on the models or see the model tree etc.

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
You can add new custom buttons to the 3D toolbar using javascript, and dis/enable the interaction tools by name (i.e. spin, rotate, zoom) - but you can't turn off the default view pulldown, perspective, light picker etc., nor can you intercept the event bubble from any of the standard buttons.

You can set the toolbar to be invisible by default (using the advanced options for the 3D annotation's properties panel) but users can always turn it back on with the context menu.
sbrunner's picture
Registered: Feb 26 2009
Posts: 4
Hi, I'm having the same issue, in that I can't get the 3D Toolbar to be disabled (hidden) when the document is opened. Fine enough if the user can turn it back on from the right click menu, but i would like it initially hidden. Every time I uncheck the checkbox "show toolbar" under the 3D properties, it turns on anyways and the checkbox is checked when i revisit that dialog. I also tried importing again the u3d file and setting the toolbar to off that way, no luck. Is it a bug that the toolbar can not be set to initially hidden, or am I missing something?

- Thanks - Scott
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Yep, I'm afraid the initial vis state is a little.... mischievous.

I've found a workaround until it's fixed (though it exploits another bug, so may not work for everyone) - if you create the 3D annotation using the "Create..New PDF from file" button and select your 3D mesh, you'll get a new document with a full-screen 3D annotation and this time, it'll respect the toolbar default vis checkbox AT THE TIME YOU CREATE IT. Switch to the selector tool (big blue arrow), click and copy-paste it into your intended document, resizing as required (drag corners, shift-drag to retain aspect ratio). You can tinker with it to your heart's content, but it'll [u]always[/u] activate without the toolbar, even if you edit the settings and try to turn it back on.

Note there's a user preferences option in 3D & Multimedia to override whatever the document wants and always show or hide the toolbar. That preference always wins, even over the above hack.
sbrunner's picture
Registered: Feb 26 2009
Posts: 4
That's it! Well, that was like a day out of my life trying to get that working. Anyways, the answer above is the correct answer, not sure how to mark as such. - Scott