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Disabling the Model Tree

fabdf's picture
Registered: Aug 12 2008
Posts: 17

Hi All,

I'm using Acrobat Pro Extended 9 and I'd like to disable the model tree in 3D Reviewer so that users do not have access to it in the generated PDF. In case it matters, my U3D files are being imported into FrameMaker 8 and my FM file is then converted to PDF. Can someone please advise on how I would do this?

Thank you...

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
dhallida's picture
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 31

There is not an option to disable the model tree in PDF. You can right click on the 3D annotation, select "hide 3D Toolbar" and lesson the possibility that someone will access the model tree that way, but you cannot actually prevent someone from opening it.

I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.