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Extracting geometric information

eperry's picture
Registered: Mar 17 2009
Posts: 3


I have successfully imported 3D content into Acrobat. Then in the 3D Reviewer I created several datum points and then saved the file back to the pdf. The points then show up in the model tree as nodes and in a javascript I can access them as nodes and rotate them, etc.

However I would like to extract the coordinates of the points. Is that information available and if so, how can I get it.


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.1, Windows
DBriggs's picture
Registered: Dec 16 2008
Posts: 10
The coordinate data of the points are in the mesh for the node but is not exposed through the 3D javascript API (from what I can tell). The only way to extract geometry data would be through a plug-in.

The coordinates can be obtained interactively via the 3D Measurement tool.