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How to caputure the values of parts of 3d object?

ravikiran9999's picture
Registered: May 12 2011
Posts: 6

Please follow above url.

in above pdf there is a turbine (3d object) . If i clck the parts of turbine i need to capture the values of parts of turbine (3d object)

Please let me know how to do that.

in above pdf there are four functions.

Graphic -> atmo.flow.toggle()
Animation -> atmo.toggleSpinIt();
Explode -> atmo.explodeIt();
Collapse -> atmo.collapseIt();

is these functions are built functions or customized function. while javascript debugging i am unable to stepinto that functions

i am unable to find the above functions in which js file and where it is placed.

Please let me know.. this is very urgent ...


My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Accepted Answer
They'll be custom-written functions, you can't debug into the 3D engine, and they'll be embedded into the 3D annotation. Acrobat won't let you extract embedded scripts - you can *see* them via Preflight > Options > View internal PDF structure, but can't copy and paste from that window. Even if you could, the script will be copyrighted.
ravikiran9999's picture
Registered: May 12 2011
Posts: 6
i have to do that only capture the values of in the following way.

Please follow above url.

in above pdf there is a turbine (3d object) . If i clck the parts of turbine i need to capture the values of parts of turbine (3d object)

Please let me know how to do that.

then my job is done almost meanwhile i explore 3di api refence matrial..

Please let me know.. this is very urgent ...
