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How do I add Coasting and Friction?

njsuperfreak's picture
Registered: Apr 3 2008
Posts: 10

Please don't point me to the tutorial Smooth Camera Rotation! This truly does not explain how it works. Expect for attaching a preScripted js file. And Running it. I spent 2 day trying to figure out how they did the coasting. I've added the js file but I am unable to "Pan", cause the script centers the Annotation. So if someone can explain or create a script on the Pan Tool, and allow the annotation to coast with friction. That would be great!

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.1.2, Windows
youngdesign's picture
Registered: Aug 3 2011
Posts: 3
Major Bump... :)

I would love to know the answer to modifying the default Friction of a camera... (only need the friction).

I've read every forum I can find to no avail.
And I agree - the Adobe tutorial is not helpful.

Does anyone have any ideas?