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Importing I-DEAS

jinx's picture
Registered: Aug 21 2007
Posts: 4

When importing CAD-data from I-DEAS (as .mf1) into Acrobat 3D a pop-up window with Model Configuration is shown. Unfortunatly I cant select the whole Model Configuration which results in a incomplete assembly.
When opening the same file in 3D Toolkit I dont even get the question which parts I want to import, it just selects some of the parts which always results in a incomplete assembly. When I check the import options I cant seem to find anything relevant to this.
I have tried importing a STEP-file with the same CAD-data and that works, but always converting to STEP is just time-consuming and takes the edge from 3D Toolkit.
Is there a way to open the complete assembly without converting to STEP (I hope you have answers both for 3D Toolkit and Acrobat 3D)?

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
dhallida's picture
Registered: Jul 26 2007
Posts: 31
Hi Jinx,

Well, this one may be a little challenging. It is possible there is not much we can do here. The whole Model Configuration may not exist in the file and therefore Acrobat 3D cannot provide access to it. Acrobat 3D is doing what it was designed to do.

The 3D Toolkit just displays the default Model Configuration. This is also as designed.

In situations like this it is often very helpful for us to receive a sample of the data you are working with so we can eveluate what is going on. We can also set up an Acrobat Connect session, if needed, to work through the problem together. In order to determine next steps, you can reach me at [url=mailto:dhallida [at] Adobe [dot] com.]dhallida [at] Adobe [dot] com.[/url] I look forward to touching base on this.Doug Halliday

I am an Adobe Business Development Manager specializing in Manufacturing. I am a vetran of many years in manufacturing and PLM, and focus much of my efforts in 3D PDF and how it can be used to solve numerous customer business problems and challenges.