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link CADappl to Acro3D

karamand's picture
Registered: Jan 8 2007
Posts: 9

Dear Experts:
I am very confused about acro3D (WINXP). A document downloaded from adobe's website makes a distinction between Acro3D and 3D Toolkit. Acro3D is listed as supportng *.dxf but not *.dwg, 3DToolkit supports both. Another Adobe document talks about "link your cad application to Acro3D' leading me to believe I could link my application ACAD2006/7. When I go through the steps get nothing but error messages.
Any help would be appreciated.

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 7.0.8, Windows
leonardr's picture
Registered: Feb 14 2006
Posts: 333
Acrobat 3D does not support AutoCAD 2006/7, however Acrobat 8 does.


Leonard Rosenthol
PDF Standards Architect
Adobe Systems

nick kear
nick kear's picture
Registered: Nov 4 2009
Posts: 1
Could someone tell me exactly which versions of Acrobat support .dwg and .dxf?
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357 lists the formats that Acrobat 9 Pro Extended can import.
TheFrog's picture
Registered: Oct 15 2009
Posts: 13
UVSAR wrote: lists the formats that Acrobat 9 Pro Extended can import.
An Updated list is here : Related to 9.2