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Model Tree modifications (level order, names, etc)

peptek's picture
Registered: Jul 4 2011
Posts: 1

Hi All
I create 3d pdf's with Bentley CAD softwares (microstation, architectural, etc).
I'm really interested on ways to change the order or names of some/all Model Tree elements. Is there any way for doing that?
Many many thanks!!

almost allways better on pdf!

My Product Information:
Acrobat, Windows
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
It's not possible within the native Acrobat toolset.

In Acrobat 8/3D, a copy of "3D Toolkit" was included in the bundle (an OEM version of Deep Exploration) that could make pretty much any edit you wanted on a 3D file.

In Acrobat 9 Pro Extended, a new Adobe application (3D Reviewer) was bundled that could make some very basic changes, but nothing detailed.

In Acrobat X, no editing of 3D models is possible and no bundled software is provided to import or edit 3D files prior to their placement in a PDF file. To work with the models before import, assuming your existing software can't write the data in the format you want, you will need to purchase additional software (Deep Exploration, the Tetra4D toolkit, etc.).