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Print a color 3D Acorbat PDF in Black/White

Apinkney's picture
Registered: Aug 21 2007
Posts: 4

I have recently installed acrobat 3D and converted an AutoCad drawing into a PDF, it views in color but I would like to print it black/white.

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 8.0999999999999996447286321199499070644378662109375, Windows
matchley's picture
Registered: Feb 9 2006
Posts: 27
This should be a simple proceedure. With the color document open, bring up the print dialgo box, open up the preferences of your printer and set it to print black ink only.

Mark Atchley mark [at] printoptionz [dot] com
415-388-7040 office 415-860-3224 cell
Adobe Certified Expert – Adobe InDesign CS2
Adobe Certified Expert - Acrobat 7 Professional

Apinkney's picture
Registered: Aug 21 2007
Posts: 4
I'm using a Canon Color IR C5180
and the option is a check box (print color as black) which I checked and still no black/white print, just prints a black image.
tmasman's picture
Registered: Dec 11 2007
Posts: 3
When this is working properly, this will only print a gray-scale image (yellows print entirely too light to read, while greens & magentas are a darker gray)... It will still not be pure black and white. Unacceptable in any case.