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Solidworks 2010 Compatibility

ldichiara's picture
Registered: Feb 9 2010
Posts: 5

Does anyone know if adobe plans to release an update/patch to support 3D importing for this version of Solidworks? I purchased the software and it does not work with this version. I have received some unclear answers from adobe's tech support so Im not sure if there is something in the works.

Thank you

Kevin Hunt
Kevin Hunt's picture
Registered: Jan 15 2009
Posts: 8
Hi - I have just discovered that all the work that I converted from SW 2009 into SW 2010 is incompatible with Acrobat 9 and I cannot backtrack to SW 2009. This is serious for my business - can Adobe help?
UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Correct - as of this time, Acrobat Pro Extended only supports SW'09 natively - the matrix of readable CAD and 3D files is at

As with all closed third-party formats, in order to upgrade the import plugin, Adobe requires collaboration from the SW developers - SW'10 files have a different internal format to those saved from SW'09 - and it's both a political and commercial decision if a particular vendor wishes to release their code. After all, there's a sound argument that the more people use 3D PDF to distribute data, the less copies of their own software they'll sell!

One option for SW'10 users is to export from SW as a binary parasolid (file extension .X_B) as that's supported by Acrobat for importing direct to a 3D scene, or through the "create PDF from file" menu item. It should bring in everything Acrobat can support, including configurations etc.
knight's picture
Registered: Nov 26 2009
Posts: 2
Not sure if you have checked Simlab Composer, which has direct support for Solidworks 2010: