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Syntax highlighting Acrobat3D JavaScript

ekschperte's picture
Registered: Jun 12 2010
Posts: 29


is there a way to access the Acrobat3D functions from in a JavaScript file? Of course, I know, that I can access it for example with getAnnots3D(0)[0].context3D, but is it possible to have syntax highlighting for these "special" functions, e.g. in a popular editor like Notepad++ or Eclipse? What additional software do I need? I have the Adobe Acrobat SDK and Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro installed.


UVSAR's picture
Registered: Oct 29 2008
Posts: 1357
Not unless you were to manually add all the commands to your editor program - and each editor will use a different way to store their lookup tables. There's nothing in the SDK that'll help you other than the simple fact it lists all the names, and the way the SDK's bundled set of documentation is constructed, you can't link into it from an external application.