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tutorial once again

dhuseby's picture
Registered: Apr 12 2007
Posts: 6

Syntax Error!! I am trying to complete the "3D_forms_interaction" tutorial. I had planned on using the result of my efforts with the "Creating custom 3D PDF templates inside Acrobat 3D with Right Hemisphere's PDF Publishing and PMI Modules" as the 3D PDF, but as I have found out this is impossible. I have thought of a way to use the exact methods described in the interaction tutorial in my project but I get a syntax error when I paste in the javascript for the button in Acrobat3D. I am cutting and pasting from the tutorial. If someone could point out what is wrong with the syntax from the tutorial.

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 7.0.8, Windows
thomp's picture
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
I'll bet your getting an Illegal Character error. It'd be good of you to include this kind of information when you post a question.

This is a common problem when cutting and pasting code from something that's not plain text. There are often special characters embedded in the text. In this case it's the quotes. They are non-ASCII quotes. Just replace them in the pasted script.

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script