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Accessibility Reports

Registered: Sep 9 2010
Posts: 3

What is the difference between the accessibility report from the newer
>version which allows for drop down boxes vs Adobe Acrobat 7 pro. One
>report shows no problems and the other report shows 19 TH and TD with
>no parent along with 2 elements not contained within the structure
>tree. They both can not be correct. Which report will still be 508
>compliant for readers?


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Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
When one opens the 'Accessibility Full Check' dialog the default checking option (Adobe PDF) is seen in somewhat of the center of the dialog.
This field for the option 'Name' contains a drop-down menu.
This menu provides the following choices:
---| Adobe PDF (the default)
---| Section 508 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications (1194.22)
---| W3C ® Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
---| W3C ® Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (Working Draft 27 April 2006)
Starting with the last item on this list, WCAG 2.0 became a finalized recommendation December 2008.
It is significantly different from the Draft.
Suggestion: Don't use this option.
While a Full Check against the draft is interesting and provides a learning experience it does not (imo) provide any "production" value.
A Full Check against the WCAG 1.0 recommendation option can be useful.
For the report to be meaningful/useful one must have a comfortable understanding of WCAG 1.0 and its associated three priority categories. However, the primary focus is on mark up languages other than Tagged PDF.
A Full Check against Section 508 ... option is needed.
Paragraphs (a) through (p) of 1194.22 are evaluated.
Not all paragraphs are applicable to PDF.
For the report to be meaningful/useful one must have a comfortable understanding of Section 508 in general and of 1194.22 in particular.
Understanding how each paragraph of 1194.22 correlates to applicable portions of WCAG 1.0 is necessary.
A Full Check against Adobe PDF option is needed.
For any of the Full Check Options there are pre-requisites of 'understanding'.
Understanding ISO 32000, Section 508, 1194.22 and WCAG 1.0, and WCAG 2.0
Without this it becomes a snipe hunt (where there are no snipes).
When a specific option is selected in the Accessibility Full Check dialog the associated criteria to be evaluated are given below the option name.
Looking over each option's criteria will show that what each option is checking is different.
For example: To check that Tables in a Tagged PDF one most use the Section 508... option.
No one check, in and of itself, assures Section 508 "compliance".
If the PDF's source authoring file was mastered properly and appropriate Tag management was available and used properly then the Tagged output PDF is very close to being ISO 32000-1 compliant.
This is critical.
The "game book" for Tagged PDF was the PDF Reference(s) from Adobe until 2008.
In 2008, PDF became an ISO Standard (ISO 32000-1:2008 currently) which makes ISO 32000 the "game book".
With the requisite post-processing of the Tagged PDF performed (via Acrobat Pro) a fully Section 508 compliant PDF is possible.
So, the 'quick look' at the work flow would be something like this:

  1. Master content, in the authoring file, with a rigorous logical hierarchy.

    • Something as simple as only using 'built-in' headings and use of paragraph tags (headings/styles) that use appropriate "before" and "after" white space vice use of the Enter key to provide the white space between paragraphs, lists, etc. makes a difference.

    • Tables with proper header rows (layout tables are deal breakers for PDFs vis-a-vis Section 508).

  2. Master with an application that has available robust Tag management (for PDF).

  3. Perform the requisite post-processing of the Tagged output PDF (with Acrobat Pro) to assure all Tags (elements) and their logical structure are ISO 32000 compliant. Part of this is "walking" down the strucuture tree with Highlight of elements selected.

PDF page content and PDF mark up (the elements that comprise the structure tree of a Tagged PDF) are separate but must be harmonized.
This is why proper content mastering in the authoring file, robust tag management and post-processing of the Tagged output PDF are of significance.
Actually, it sounds/writes harder than it actually is. But, again study of the ISO standard, 1194(22), and the WCAGs are really pre-requisites for achieving a work flow that delivers "the goods" without undue stress and trauma .

Be well...