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adobe full check noting two figures with no alt text...

Registered: Feb 6 2009
Posts: 7

hi! need your help again! i have an 18 page file that i have tagged and aligned to be accessible - i have isolated each page of content - one page at a time - and regardless, keep getting two figures with no alt text... i cannot figure out where these mysterious "figures" are... and page content seems to be fine with the read out loud feature. is it possible adobe pro 9 is displaying accessibility errors, in error...? i'd love to attach the file, but do not see that option. i'm using adobe pro 9. any assistance or guidance will be greatly appreciated!!! thank you, bch

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.3.1, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Might you be able to park the PDF at and share the link to it here?

Be well...

Be well...

Tim Daly
Registered: Jul 26 2010
Posts: 1
I would suggest the figures are empty tags in the tags menu, the only way I know of finding them is to open all the subfolders in the tag menu (alt+click) and read through looking for a tag symbol followed by figure (surrounded by shift+comma and shift+stop arrows, which I cannot use because the forum thinks I am using html) that has nothing following it. This is a time-consuming way of doing it but there seems to be no alternative, because there is no search feature through the tags for them. You might have created them by changing an item to an artifact and not deleted the parent tag, alternatively they turn up in tables (normally a rule on part of a box) this means you need to pay close attention to each table.