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Automated Solution to Add Accessibility Tags to Existing PDFs

Registered: Oct 7 2009
Posts: 2

Forgive my ignorance, am a newbie on this forum.

I'm looking for a command line / API solution which I can trigger which will take an existing PDF and add accessibility tags.

Is this possible using the Acrobat SDK or some other tool?

Thanks in advance.

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
As Dimitri has posted, Acrobat is a desktop tool, not a server or command line tool.

You may want to consider discussing your situation with either of these two companies:

Appligent Document Solutions

NetCentric (for use of Commonlook)

Harvesting information regarding API/plug-in usage merits a look-see (and maybe some questions posted)
at the Acrobat SDK forum.

Another location worth a look-see is what's at the Acrobat Developer Support portal:

Keep in mind that an untagged PDF has no underlying information about the desired/appropriate logical structure.
Software, such as Acrobat's "Make Accessible" can make a "best guess" and get the PDF to the stadium.
In fact, Acrobat Professional does a rather good job of this.
Then it is plug-n-chug by a warm body that has some measure of competency (if the deliverable is to be, in fact, accessible).

This is more than adequate for discrete document sets that must, periodically, be provided as actual Section 508 accessible PDFs.

However, for a large population of PDFs or PDFs that have a high periodicity of having to be provided as accessible, you end up back to looking for a developer/provider company.

There are many very capable "small shops" out there. However, just now on the timeline, the two companies I mentioned above look to be front runners with significant "run time" on the PDF accessibility path way.

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Be well...