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Line break/tags problem!

Registered: Apr 29 2010
Posts: 2

Hi, I have a little problem I've been trying to figure out for a while but I can't so I figured I'd ask for some help I have some paper documents that I have scanned into Acrobat. I am trying to copy and paste from Acrobat into another program, and for the most part, it works fine. These documents are in "outline" form (you know, so things are in lists and organized with a letter/number before them). My problem is that whenever I try to copy and paste a line with a number heading (for lack of a better word), Acrobat adds a line break between the number and the text on the line. It doesn't do this whenever the heading is a letter. So for example, this would copy and paste correctly exactly how it looks:

A. First item
B. Second item

But this:

1. First item
2. Second item

copies and pastes like this:

First item
Second item

The problem is that I'm working with alot of documents and it will really slow me down having to go back and delete line break after line break after line break. So can anyone help me out? I think it has to do with the tags since I noticed that Acrobat identifies the lettered items as paragraphs and the numbered items as lists but I can't figure out how to get it not to line break? And if there is a way to fix this, is there anyway that I can make it so Acrobat always identifies the numbered lists in the manner I'm looking for? Thanks for any help!

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
It appears that your work flow is:
Scan paper - scan image to PDF - OCR - use Acrobat's routine to tag.
As letters, particularly uppercase letters are typically associated with headings the assignment of - P - makes sense. A conservative approach as the routine would not know if the content was a heading of some specific level.
As numbers are specifically associated with ordered lists in markup language (PDF, HTML, etc.) the
assignment of - LIST - makes sense.
You may want to look over the entries in the Tags panel to see what has been placed there under the - LIST - elements present.
Unfortunately there is not find/replace currently available for working the structure tree in the Tags panel.
So, it may be that, in the host application into which you paste, you'll have to try a find/replace of the line break character.

Be well...