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List items (bullets) not reading on same line when using JAWS.

Registered: Jan 6 2011
Posts: 27

Hello all, I have a strange problem. The file I'm working on has some bulleted list items and they appear to be on the same tag in the tags structure tree. It appears as

  • \∙ The lazy brown dog...
    When in JAWS, I navigate the file by pressing arrow key down. JAWS does indeed recognize it as a bullet and announces it as such, however, I have to arrow down once more to hear the "The lazy brown dog..." text. Has anyone else encountered this? Any solutions? Thank you.
  • My Product Information:
    Acrobat 10.1, Windows
    Registered: Jan 6 2011
    Posts: 27
    Whoops I just realized my HTML error lol. What I mean to say is:

    It appears as

    _____∙ The lazy brown dog...
    Registered: Mar 1 2007
    Posts: 1420
    A post by Patrick Burke at the WebAIM List identifies something you may want to try with JAWS.
    "Reading by sentence is a Jaws feature. I think that's what you're after anyway...
    For a quick test:
    Insert+V for Jaws (verbosity) options:
    Way down under SayAll Options you have:
    ... Reads by line without pauses (that's the default I get); Reads by sentence; Reads by Paragraph; Reads by line without pauses.
    That should change the behavior. It can be changed permanently (globally or stored separately for each application) under Jaws, Utilities > Settings Center. "
    Regarding the list you've depicted. The presence of a character before the text means you want to use the <Lbl> element for these.

    Be well...

    Registered: Jan 6 2011
    Posts: 27
    Thanks again daka. Even though the text in the tags in the structure tree looked to be on the same line, the CommonLook (CL) plug-in program told a different tale. I was able to make final adjustments within CL.
    Registered: Mar 1 2007
    Posts: 1420
    Ah Well - just me natterng again;
    but when the authoring application does not provide adequate tag management for the tagged output PDF one consequence may be that ordered lists do not get the appropriate assignment of the <Lbl> element.
    When such is the case the content author (if worth their salt) recognizes this when doing the requisite walk of the structure tree and makes the needed corrections.
    While CommonLook takes away much of the "manual" effort and is, imo, a quality piece of software the cost of a seat (at some 1K) pretty much relegates it to Enterprise usage.

    Be well...

    Registered: Nov 9 2011
    Posts: 4
    Daka is correct, the list isn't marked up correctly. Lists should be marked up (in tags) as:
    - LI
    -- Lbl
    -- LBody
    - LI
    JAWS will ingore the bullets and read the text.

    Ryan B