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Quality of PDF

Registered: Jun 5 2009
Posts: 6

If you are opening someone else's pdf, how can you tell what quality they saved it too? like press quality, high quality, or low res quality?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.1.1
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Try using the Preflights provided with Acrobat 9 Professional.
A very generous and robust collection are provided "out-of-the-box".
You can create your own Preflight profiles.
These can be incorporated into Batch Sequences that let you process many PDFs.
Check out the AUC Learning Center. There are a number of useful tips/tutorials/articles
re: Preflight

Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Jun 5 2009
Posts: 6
are you talking about the pdf or the program when you are creating a pdf?

i get files from people as a pdf but i need to find out the quality of the pdf. what they saved it as like high, process or low res.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi kookie,
Your first post indicated that you are using Acrobat 9 Professional.
You would use Acrobat 9 Professiona to perform evaluations (with the Preflight(s)).

So -
You have some PDFs in hand and want to check them.
Open Acrobat 9 Professional.
Evaluate the PDF(s).

1. Open a PDF in Acrobat 9 Professional, run the desired Preflight profile.
2. Open Acrobat 9 Professional. Run a Batch Sequence containing the desired
Preflight profile to evaluate one or many PDFs in a designated directory/folder.

Using a Preflight profile with Acrobat 9 Professional lets you do many checks and fixups.
Is a specific language set for the PDF?
Add a specific language as a PDF's native language.
Check effective resolution.
Check for compliance with various PDF standards.
Check for use of lossy compression,

Open Acrobat 9 Professional.
Select Advanced > Preflight...
The Preflight profiles load.
Click on "Edit" (upper right).
Select any of the available profiles.
Walk down the profile categories (Document, Pages, etc.).
Look over the functions each provides.
When you click on "Custom checks", information loads.
At the right there is a list of what all the checks are. Browse through these.
When you click on "Fixups", information loads.
At the right there is a list of what fixups are available. Browse through these.

Go back to the list of available profiles (left side of dialog); browse through what is there.

For the most part, I suspect you will find something that you can use to evaluate the PDF files
that come your way.

An aspect of Preflights that may be useful to you are Preflight "droplets".
Again, look over what is available in the AUC Learning Center; much useful information there.

Be well...

Be well...