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Read Out Loud

Registered: Nov 4 2010
Posts: 1

My question is why does the app read out loud works on some article and does not on others. I am taking classes online and I find this very helpful but it does not read my class text book, it repeats over and over "error empty page" how can i resovle this problem any suggestions greatly apprieciated.
Thank you


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.0, Windows
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

Unfortunately the provider/publisher of the PDF text book's that are of issue failed to deliver a Tagged PDF.
Consequently, Acrobat's Read Out Loud "sees" an "empty page".

With Acrobat 9 Pro / Pro Extended you could have Acrobat make a "best-estimate" of an appropriate Tag structure with Advanced > Accessibility > Add Tags to Document. However, I not sure that this can be done with any current/past release of Acrobat Standard.

Be well...