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Will Acrobat Read Out Loud read links while tabbing links on a page?

Registered: Apr 28 2010
Posts: 3

Not sure if this has been answered before, sorry if yes

I recently have a question which is, for a well tagged PDF file with links(i.e. http links),
|-----A child of [Link-OBJR]
|-----A child of a piece of document content

when I use 'Tab' key to go through links on a page, with Read Out Loud turned on, will it read anything? If so, how to tag a file to enable this?

or the Read Out Loud is not designed to read links?


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

Read Out Loud will read the text in the PDF page content.
A link (URL or otherwise) may have an Alternate Text description added to the parent element (tag) of the container in which the link text string (such as that of a URL) is present.

n.b., If there are child elements to this parent element then the Alternate Text description will make text in the child element's containers unrenderable (to ROL or AT applications).

While ROL is processing the page content you can use the Tab key to move through the links.
However, the Tab key and ROL functions are independent. So, ROL (for western languages) goes left to right from the top down.
While this happens you can Tab or Shift+Tab with abandon .
ROL is not aware of what TAB does.

An example PDF, for download, at –


Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Apr 28 2010
Posts: 3
Thanks for your help, it makes it a lot clear.