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Stamp with two static fields and one editable field? (using for submittals)

Registered: May 24 2011
Posts: 1

The department in my company is looking to come up with a digital stamp for PDF files for submittals. I have been trying to do research on how to come up with a stamp that will:
1. Stamp all pages in the document simutaneously.
2. Have a field called "Submittal Number" that will stay static through the entire document.
3. Have a "Spec Section" field that can be editted by the user.
4. Have a "Page ____ of ____" field that will update based on the page numbers in the PDF.
This does sound complicated, but I feel like its totally possible, even if it requires a bit of custom coding or fooling around.
Any suggestions to put together a stamp like this?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Search for "custom dynamic stamps". Static data on a stamp does not need to be a field at all.

George Kaiser