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Acrobat 8 Commenting & Markup toolbars disappear in web view

Registered: Sep 24 2007
Posts: 4

When opening a PDF document in a web browser, the commenting and markup toolbar has to be opened each and every time a document is viewed.

The server setting is 'custom', and the toolbar works just fine in 'native' Acrobat (Pro). Open the exact same document in a web browser and the toolbar is nowhere to be found.

An interesting note is that if the toolbar is left undocked, it remains visible. Locking and unlocking the toolbars have no effect on the problem.

This means that every time a user opens a PDF document in our web based document system, they have to add the toolbar before they can jot notes with their tablet pen or add other comments.

So the bug is somehow related to docking the commenting and markup toolbar, and it has been in existence since at least version 8.1. Version 8.1.1 has NOT corrected this bug, and I have never seen anywhere that Adobe acknowledges the problem.

Does anybody have a fix/workaround for this, or do we have to use Acrobat 7 until we convert to a Microsoft document format?

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
If your PDF is part of a browser-based review that is initiated in Acrobat, then the commenting tools will appear in the browser.

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: Sep 24 2007
Posts: 4
These documents (parts of a patient medical chart) aren't part of a browser based review. We just want the tools available so our clients can mark them up.

Why would the toolbar behave differently docked versus undocked? If that's not a bug, I don't know what is.
Registered: Mar 27 2008
Posts: 9
We have been experiencing the same problem and have been unable to figure it out too. Ours is happening back in 7.05 as well.

What we noticed was happening when you opened in the web browser that under the Reviewing section in preferences, it blanks out the temp path. If you put it back in, then the commening & markup toolbars come back. Not sure why that is related but it was consistent.Anyone have any ideas?
