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Annotations/commets - Involuntary deletions!

Sandy K
Registered: Mar 22 2011
Posts: 2

A number of our users have found that their annotations are deleted 'automatically'. What happens is: They open a PDF containing thier publsihed comments. They then close down the PDF without adding any further comments, but the message 'there are unpublished comments' appears. Options are, Save, Delete, Cancel or Publish. If 'publish' is selected, the message 'XX coments have been deleted' and all commetns for that user are gone.
Any ideas? This is def not a user issue and happens randomly.

Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Can you provide more background on what version of Acrobat you're using, what type of Shared Review you're using, and what type of server (if applicable)?

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Sandy K
Registered: Mar 22 2011
Posts: 2
lkassuba wrote:
Can you provide more background on what version of Acrobat you're using, what type of Shared Review you're using, and what type of server (if applicable)?
hopefully I can provide the info you need!

We have Acrobat 8 on the server and the users concerned were annotating using Reader 9. It is a Sharepoint 64bit server. Our comments are automatically stored in the MS Sharepoint library. Don't know if any of this is relevent!

