I have a situation where I print one copy without a watermark and then I have a watermark file that I apply and print another copy. I would like to do this programmatically in VBA. Using the SDK I got it to print but I can't find anything in there about applying watermarks. At this point I would even try a Java Script.
Can anyone help this poor sole find his way?
Here's the method:
1. Create a folder level JavaScript file with a function for adding your watermark. If you need to use "this.addWatermarkFromFile()" you'll have to make it a trusted function. Find details for this code in the Acrobat JavaScript Reference.
2. Use the PDDoc.GetJSObject() function to get direct access to the Acrobat JavaScript Envronment and call the function for adding your watermark.
Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script