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Collate two documents, one with odds page numbers, the other with even numbers

Registered: Apr 11 2011
Posts: 5

I want to collate two documents, one with odds page numbers and the other with even numbers. Can anyone please help me?

Thank you

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro Extended 9.2, Windows
Registered: Aug 13 2010
Posts: 20
Can you ask your question another way? The only thing I can think of with how I am interpreting your question is to open both PDFs, make the page thumbnails very large in each and then collate the pages by dragging the even thumbnail pages one by one over to the odd thumbnail pane and dropping the pages in their proper places.
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
There are no tools built-into Acrobat for this specific purpose. But this task can be easily done with a short automation script, and there are also 3rd party tools that do this sort of thing.

But here's a simple script that you can run from the console window.

// The file with Odd pages is open and current
// Pages are inserted from the document with even pages
var cSrcPathEven = "... Path to Doc with Even Pages ...";

// Open temporarily to find number of pages
var oSrcDoc = app.openDoc(cSrcPathEven);
var nSrcPgs = oSrcDoc.numPages;

var nDstPage = 0;
for(var pgSrc=0;pgSrc<nSrcPgs;pgSrc++)
if(nDstPage < (this.numPages-1))
this.insertPages(nDstPage, cSrcPathEven , pgSrc);
nDstPage += 2;

Thom Parker
The source for PDF Scripting Info
Very Important - How to Debug Your Script