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Comment & Markups disappear

Registered: Nov 3 2009
Posts: 5

I have used adobe pro to add Markups to architectural drawings for years. Just in the past year when I add a markup or comment it appears on the page when I place it but when I click off of it it disappears. Does anyone know how to make this stop happening? So... comments and markups only appear when I click around on the page to fine them. Any help would be great.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 9.2, Windows
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
Try this:

Click Edit > Preferences > CommentingMake the necessary changes and test adding comments.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.

Registered: Nov 3 2009
Posts: 5
Thanks pddesigner....

"Click Edit > Preferences > Commenting" does not solve my problem.I'm still having this problem and I don't know what to do at this point.

Registered: Nov 3 2009
Posts: 5
I'm still having problems with this. Has anyone found a solution?
Registered: Jul 9 2006
Posts: 858
This information was obtained from the Help file in Acrobat 9 Pro Extended. Have you tried it?

1.Save the PDF to ensure that recently added comments are included.
2.Do one of the following:
In Acrobat, choose Comments > Export Comments To AutoCAD, and then specify the PDF file and the AutoCAD file in the Import Comments dialog box.In AutoCAD, choose Acrobat Markups > Import Comments From Acrobat.3.In the Import Comments dialog box, specify the PDF that contains the comments, specify which comments to import, and click Continue. If you import a custom set of comments, specify the set by making sure that only the characteristics you want are selected. You must select at least one option in each category.

Show By ReviewerImports comments by individual reviewers.

Show By TypeImports comments by type, such as text edits or note comments.

Show By StatusImports comments by review status.

Show By Checked StateImports comments that are checked.

All imported comments appear in the Adobe Acrobat Markups layer as custom objects that you can edit, filter, or delete.

4.To modify an imported comment (change the status, add a check mark, or modify text), right-click the comment, choose Acrobat Comments, and then choose an option.

My favorite quote - "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.