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Registered: Jan 8 2007
Posts: 9

Concerning the "text box tool" in AcroPro 3D 7.0, how do you change the font? I go to edit preferences, commenting, change font but nothing happens.
Thanks in advance

My Product Information:
Acrobat 3D 7, Windows
Acrobat 9Adobe EmployeeExpertTeam
Registered: Jan 30 2006
Posts: 30
Press Ctrl/Cmd + E to open the Properties Bar in Acrobat. When you click (or double-click) in the text entry area for a Text Box you will see text formatting options appear in the bar.

If you're not familiar with Properties bar, keep it open and try some other commands in Acrobat: you'll see that it's context sensitive and will present different properties that you can set depending on what you're doing.


Ali Hanyaloglu

Ali Hanyaloglu
Adobe Systems Incorporated