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Copy/Paste Text Boxes and Text Box Rotation

Registered: Dec 15 2008
Posts: 2

I have Engineers working on drawings in PDF.

They are making Text Boxes to tag line names.

When they get a new drawing revision, they would like to just copy and paste all the text boxes and lines or drag and drop them from one to the other.

We have tried inserting the new after the old and dragging/copying and pasting from one page to the other and no matter what we get text that is flipped upside down?

Also, they need to rotate either the text or the text box to fit in tight places on the drawings, but can't figure that out?

Thanks so much!~

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 7.0, Windows
Registered: Dec 27 2008
Posts: 9
Must be something about engineers! I amtrying to do the same. The pasted objects end up on their side and I can't rotate them.

I am using Acribat 8.

I have to give up and insert the callouts and text boxes from scratch.

In my case it happened only on the extra pages I inserted into the pdf. I tried to fool it by rotating the page the other way before pasting the objects, but Acrobat was too smart to fall for that.
Registered: Oct 26 2010
Posts: 1
Was there ever a reply to this post? I am having the same problem and need an answer.
Registered: Apr 28 2008
Posts: 432
one or all of the following suggestions should resolve the 'rotated text box' problem (these assume the target file is monochrome image):
1- on target PDF apply OCR. run 'examine document' tool (on document menu) and remove hidden text
2- export the target PDF to TIFF (file> export> image> TIFF); individual pages are created; recombine the TIFFs to PDF (if other than monochrome, may want to experiment with ZIP compression [see preferences] for both PDF to TIFF and TIFF to PDF)
2.1 - import each TIFF to Photoshop (PS elements is okay) and save as TIFF or PDF
3- import the target PDF to MS Office Doument Imaging (MODI comes with MS office) and save as TIFF (not MDI) and then create a new PDF from the TIFF
Registered: Dec 13 2010
Posts: 2
I'm having the same problem... but would hate to have to go thru all of the trouble of exporting and import and resaving the file... I would also like to see how one could rotate an object as well as text... as if I were to draw a rectangle, and wanted to rotate it 45 degrees? thanks in advance...


Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Form fields can be rotated in 90 degree increments.
(In the field's Properties dialog, select the General tab and use "Orientation".)
Annotations from the Comments & Markup toolbar cannot be rotated.Something to play with when Comment & Markup tools (annotations) are made to a drawing PDF.
A "file01.pdf" has drawing content from a CAD application.
Some annotations are made to this file and it is saved.
The CAD authoring file undergoes a revision and a new PDF is made (file02.pdf).
Open file01.pdf and, with Acrobat, use the Replace page(s) command to replace file01.pdf page content with file02.pdf page content.
Annotations "float" on the PDF page and are not "page content" (unless flattened).
So, the revised drawing is slides under and replaces what was there. The annotations remain.
Some tweaks to the annotations may be called for in relation to locations of content that have undergone significant revision(s).

Be well...

Registered: Dec 13 2010
Posts: 2

Thanks for the response... "Replace Pages" will come in handy, but I still don't see how that helps me to rotate the text box, annotation, or object...


Registered: Mar 3 2011
Posts: 3
I have tried everything I could think of and every suggestion on this page I think have tried.
And yes something with engineers and these 17x11 drawing I guess.
Copy it off a 17x11 sheet and paste it on an 17x11 sheet and they paste like the sheet is a 11x17.
OH I am smarter than the software, so how about if I rotate the page before I paste. As someone said no Adobe is smarter, it will rotate the "past" too! OK how about I replace the pages, no its smart about that too, it rotates the text too.
I tried export/import, tiff/jpeg you name it. Export to VISIO as tiff paste it there, nothing works.

I think next time I should first export all pdf pages to VISIO then create the text, that way I can replace the pages easily.
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You have some pages rotated in the PDF.

George Kaiser

Registered: Mar 3 2011
Posts: 3
Thanks for the reply, but not sure what you mean or how you suggest fixing it.
I have tried all combination, rotating source doc, rotating target doc, rotating both.
Properties of both docs are exactly the same.
Acrobat 9ExpertTeam
Registered: Jul 11 2011
Posts: 389
Accepted Answer
The page orientation is set from the originating application and even though something can look portrait in Acrobat, it may have been rotated during the PDF creation. This will cause fields copied and pasted into it to be rotated on paste. A workaround I've found for this, on the problem, PDF is to choose File > Save As and choose Format: PostScript (at the bottom of the screen). Then re-distill the .ps file (I typically use the High Quality Print Setting). This will re-set the orientation to the final size of the original PDF.

After doing this you should be able to paste your text into this newly distilled document without it rotating. If the orientation is off, you can use Document > Rotate pages. The good news is, the text should still paste in properly.

Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+

Registered: Mar 3 2011
Posts: 3
Thanks for the post. That's the same conclusion I had come up with back in March.