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Custom stamps and upgrade from version 9 to X

Registered: Jan 5 2010
Posts: 15

I just moved from version 9 to version 10 (X). What happened to my custom stamps? I assume they are stored in a new direcoty now and that I need to copy them over from the old directory. Where were they stored by default under 9? Are they compatible with X (or will the X upgrade have upgraded them). They are very simple static stamps - but there were a lot of them so I don't want to recreate them all

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 10.0, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
Have you tried to copy your stamps from the old directory to the new one?

You may also need to go through stamp organizer to import them.

George Kaiser

Registered: Jan 5 2010
Posts: 15
Thanks George - I guess that is actually my question. Where would they have been stored under 9 (now removed by the X installer)and what directory should they be copied to in X. I looked at the organizer but didn't see any options that would help me here (I assume by organizer you are referring to "Manage Custom Stamps" - or is there something else I haven't found?)

Perhaps the X upgrade program deletes all custom stamps? Even so, if I knew what directory they were in I could recover them from a recent backup.

In neither version does the stamp manager seem to tell you where it is storing them (that I could see).


Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi kenwiens,

This article from the Learning Center Dynamic Stamp Secrets explains how to locate where the custom stamps are on your system.Hope this helps,

Registered: Jul 5 2011
Posts: 1
Hi kenwiens,

I realize this thread is a little old, but I just struggled through this issue myself and I wanted to share my knowledge with the group. Ken asks a simple question and it deserves a simple answer.

Although the Acrobat X installer claims to uninstall Acrobat 9.0, your custom stamps should still be intact and can be transferred over to Acrobat X. Here are the steps for Windows 7 (other versions of Windows might be a little different in terms of folder names and locations):

1. Open up Windows Explorer and make sure it's set to “Show hidden files, folders and drives” or some of the folders will be hidden.
2. Browse to: C:\Users\*Name*\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\9.0\Stamps (where *Name* is your account name)
3. In that folder, you will find an oddly named PDF file (like “c_DfLhaC4e8h_rFMxhDkbC.pdf” or something similar). This file contains your custom stamps. Copy this file.
4. Browse back to: C:\Users\*Name*\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\10.0\Stamps. Paste the file here.
5. Open Acrobat X and the custom stamps should be available.

It should be as simple as that. Good luck with it...
