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Digital Signature Error messages

Registered: May 22 2007
Posts: 12

Has anyone (besides me) ever encountered the following error messages/circumstances when attempting to implement multiple digital signatures on a single document:

1. "Validity of this document is UNKNOWN. Author could not be verified."

2. "No unsigned signature fields" (Extended rights enabled, but no signature boxes created. Sign using Reader v. 8, error occurs on some documents, but not on others.)

3. Digital signatures are not validated, even though the digital certificates are created in the AD store.

Any information or pointers to documentation for troubleshooting digital signature issues would be greatly appreciated!



Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
There is a very detailed Digital Signature User Guide at:

Lori Kassuba is an AUC Expert and Community Manager for

Registered: May 22 2007
Posts: 12
I have downloaded the guide, and I will research my questions in it.

Many thanks for your assistance and information.
