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Digital signing/stamping

Registered: Oct 9 2007
Posts: 2

Regarding the digital IDs & signatures/stamping, etc...I work for an engineering corporation who must be in compliance with governmental regulations for one of the Canadian provinces. My question is: Is there a way to show the "unknown identity" tag or "verified signer" tag on a hardcopy (printed) document the same way it shows up on an electronic document

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 8, Windows
Registered: Feb 15 2006
Posts: 4411
If the signature field is setup to print then it's printed appearance should be the same as the displayed appearance.

What are you seeing?

Do you mean the tooltip like popup? this is not part of the signature appearance. You could show some extra data using some JavaScript to display hidden stamps, depending on the validation state of the signature. Look in the JavaScript Reference for the signatureValidate function.

Thom Parker
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