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A dynamic stamp that isnt

Registered: Apr 24 2009
Posts: 2

I followed the tutorials in another area of this site to create a dynamic stamp.
Using the script I copied from one of the dynamic stamp.

event.value = (new Date()).toString();
AFDate_FormatEx("h:MM tt, m/d/yy");

I pasted into the calculation area of a system generated custom stamp.
The script works and displays the date and time on the stamp.
But its not very dynamic, the date and time never change.
What am I missing?

Thanks in advance

Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420

AUC threads on "dynamic stamps" that, if not already read, may be helpful.
Something Thom Parker wrote may be pertinent.
Stamps are images, there is no active content in a stamp. Form fields that are placed on a Dynamic Stamp are flattened before the stamp is placed on a page. The idea is to update the fields before the stamp is placed. After the stamp is placed it's just a pretty picture.
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