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Engineering Document Approval & Release - Does Acrobat Support?

Registered: Sep 25 2008
Posts: 3

Is it possible to use Acrobat in a small design & manufacturing company as a document approval & release tool?

We currently release engineering drawings (from Solidworks), specifications, and procedures (Word docs) by printing them, signing on the print-out, then scanning into PDFs. We lose graphics quality and it takes time. We are too small to use a PDM system.

Here is what we ideally would do:
1. Author completes the document in the native software, prints to PDF, and somehow submits it or notifies a "checker"
2. The checker reviews the PDF. Any corrections are handled in person or via e-mail, but automating the comments and back-and-forth is a plus.
3. When the checker is complete, he applies some kind of electronic signature, which is visible on the PDF.
4. The author or a document-control clerk then makes the file read-only, copies the PDF file to our "release" server, and notifies a list of people of the release via e-mail.

We currently run Acrobat v7 and the signature functionality has some distinct issues which prevent us from using Acrobat for this process:
- too many clicks and confusing options in wizard to apply signature
- training and acceptance challenges
- we don’t know how to generate and manage Digital IDs from a third party
- “signing details” form fields & options do not match our business process, need to be configured or eliminated

Does Acrobat v8 or v9 support this type of user-friendly approval & release process? If so, which components/tools/modules do we need?

Thanks in advance!


My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 7.0, Windows
Registered: Jul 8 2008
Posts: 80
There are a number of signature improvements in Acrobat 9. There are a number of companies doing exactly what you are describing. Can you post more details of the problems you have (or send via the email link)? There may be a number of specific things you can do to address them.
Registered: Oct 22 2007
Posts: 5
We build custom dashboards for design and construction firms. Aokamoto is right, a shared review is what we provide for our clients. Entities as big as the GSA and Corps of Engineers all the way down to single sub-contractors use design review to communicate. Plus it allows you to mark-up, comment and/or print the information. In addition the ability to track all the comments, organize them, and keep them as an archive is the only way to go. We have evaluated very expensive tools and free ones ones and design review is the most popular with our clients. You'll want to spend the money to upgrade to Acrobat 9 as well, the couple hundred dollars will pay for itself in the first month of productivity.


Long time blueprint/reprographer. Promotion of Acrobat in our industry goes back to Acrobat 3.0. Succesffully argued / promoted Acrobat over DWF file format to the world's largest construction initiative - Wal-Mart