When I select Document / Export Comments to Word, I get error pop up "This operation requires Microsoft Word 2002 to be installed on your system"
I have Word * 2010 * installed. Is there some way to get Adobe Acrobat Standard 9.0 to recognize the Word 2010?
Does anyone know of a way to export comments into an excel spreadsheet?
Are you trying to just collect the comments? Or take a marked up PDF that started in Word and export the PDF Comments back to that Word doc?
If you only need the comments, you can Summarize the comments (Comments > Summarize Comments) then choose File > Save Aa. At the bottom under Format select Microsoft Word Document or Tables in Excel Spreadsheet.
If you are trying to send the comments back to Word to import them as Word comments Office 2010 wasn't supported with Acrobat 9. Check this article: See Supported versions of Microsoft Word in the 3rd paragraph.
Kelly McCathran
Adobe Community Expert
Certified Technical Trainer+