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Flattening annotations (stamps) using iText

Registered: Sep 3 2008
Posts: 16

Can any one help us to find out a way to flatten stamps (so other users cannot move
the stamp) on a PDF .

Currently we are using itext PDFEncryptor class to do it. But this is making the pdf secure with a password to it. We dont want to make the pdf secure.

Can any one help us in finding out a way to flatten stamps without securing the PDF.

Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You can use Acrobat JavaScirpt 'flattenPages()'.

George Kaiser

Registered: Sep 3 2008
Posts: 16
Thank you for quick reply. Can you please point me to the javascript code and how to do it.
Registered: Jun 28 2007
Posts: 3636
Here is a link to a tutorial with more information:

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