Please help me on this problem. I'd created successfully the dynamic stamp in Acrobat 9.0. However, only the time and day are displayed but not the computer user name.
Here is the JS code:
event.value = (new Date()).toString();
AFDate_FormatEx("h:MM tt, mmm dd, yyyy");
event.value = "By " + ((! || identity.loginName != (event.source.source || this).Collab.user) ? (event.source.source || this).Collab.user :
+ " at " + event.value;
Please help to review and give me some advices. Thanks a lot
Have you looked at the Acrobat JavaScript JS API Reference?
I know that use of the 'identity' object has security restrictions. From the Acrobat JS API Reference:
See [url=]How to Capture UserID and Add to Form[/url]. The provided code will work with Acrobat forms and comments and LiveCycle Designer forms.
George Kaiser