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how can I merge a stamp into a pdf file

John D-H
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 17

When I save a pdf file with a custom stamp I created the graphic in the stamp is clickable and copyable. I do not want it to be so. I want the graphic merged into the pdf file. Can anyone help me figure out how to do that?

My Product Information:
Acrobat Standard 9.1, Windows
Registered: Feb 23 2006
Posts: 4307
You and use JavaScript to flatten the PDF. You can obtain a free automation tool to do this at [url=]PDF Scripting - Free Acrobat Automation Tools[/url].

George Kaiser

John D-H
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 17
Thanks for your suggestion. I downloaded the JavaScript, installed it and it did flatten out the form fields in the document. Unfortunately it did not flatten the stamp image. Any other thoughts?
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi John D-H,

I just tested this by adding fields and a custom dynamic stamp to a PDF, and all were flattened using the Flatten Page Content tool from Not sure what is going on with yours- maybe you should share the problem file with stamp applied.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
John D-H
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 17
Thanks for your assistance.
I've tried it again with the same results.
When you do it, after you flatten the document, can you still click on the stamp and does it highlight as an item in the document? If so, that is what I am concerned about. BTW, the "stamp" that I created is a signature so I do not want it to be liftable from the document.

Thanks for your help.

John D-H
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
Even if you flatten the signature it's always possible to take a screen capture and save it as a separate image. There's nothing you can do about that.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi John D-H,

I do that all the time- it is one of my favorite Acrobat tips. Yes, when I flatten my custom ink signature stamp it is flattened into the content and no longer accessible. I have no idea why that is not working for you. As I mentioned before, you should share a test PDF with that stamp so we can examine it and maybe determine what the problem is with it.

Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
You could lift an image of a signature off a piece of paper too, but that's not really on point for this discussion, is it?

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Oct 30 2008
Posts: 2398
It is, Dimitri, because John said "BTW, the "stamp" that I created is a signature so I do not want it to be liftable from the document. "
I just wanted to let him know that that can't be achieved.

- AcrobatUsers Community Expert - Contact me personally at try6767 [at] gmail [dot] com
Check out my custom-made scripts website:

John D-H
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 17
OK, I must be doing something wrong.
I created a file, I created a stamp, I stamped the document, then flattened it, and then saved it.
When I open the PDF document, in either Adobe Reader 9 or Adobe 9 you can still right click the graphic and get the option to save it.
How can I share the test pdf file here?
Thanks for the help.
John D-H
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
John D-H wrote:
How can I share the test pdf file here?
To share files - go to [url=][/url]
Click "MyFiles" then "Begin" - Click Sign Up to obtain the Adobe ID.
Prior to use you may want to read through the "user guide" at:
You can download the PDF Help file (link in upper left) from this page.
Once a file is uploaded you can obtain a URL link that can be placed in a post to AUC.
The service is free.

Be well...

Be well...

John D-H
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 17
OK, here is the document's URL.
I appreciate the help with this.

John D-H
Registered: Nov 1 2005
Posts: 1389
Hi John D-H,

Thanks for sharing the file. try67 is correct that it is not possible to prevent lifting the signature from the file using the flatten tool. While flattening does prevent the stamp from begin removed because it is baked into the PDF content, it will still be selectable, even with Adobe Reader. To prevent someone from selecting and copying it you will need to add security to the PDF, selecting Advanced ->Security ->Password Encrypt, then under Permissions choose what settings you want to allow. The Change Permissions Password is yours and is not needed by viewers of the PDF to open or view it in Adobe Reader or Acrobat.When you apply security you will see a dialog that tells you that the security settings may not be respected by other 3rd party PDF viewers but is by Adobe Reader. If you really need tight security the best method is to use digital signatures or advanced security policies.
Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
John D-H
Registered: May 8 2009
Posts: 17
Aaaaahh, mystery solved.
I'll use the security feature.
Thanks for all your help.
John D-H
Registered: Dec 18 2009
Posts: 1
If the main purpose is to flatten the stamps, you can just use the "preflight" tool within the Acrobat. So the stamps will be the part of the document permanently.

"Advanced" menu --> Preflight --> "PDF Fixups" --> "Flatten Annotations" or "Flatten Annotations and Form Fields"Kazzy

Dimitri wrote:
Hi John D-H,Thanks for sharing the file. try67 is correct that it is not possible to prevent lifting the signature from the file using the flatten tool. While flattening does prevent the stamp from begin removed because it is baked into the PDF content, it will still be selectable, even with Adobe Reader. To prevent someone from selecting and copying it you will need to add security to the PDF, selecting Advanced ->Security ->Password Encrypt, then under Permissions choose what settings you want to allow. The Change Permissions Password is yours and is not needed by viewers of the PDF to open or view it in Adobe Reader or Acrobat.When you apply security you will see a dialog that tells you that the security settings may not be respected by other 3rd party PDF viewers but is by Adobe Reader. If you really need tight security the best method is to use digital signatures or advanced security policies.
Hope this helps,

WindJack Solutions
Registered: Jul 10 2011
Posts: 1
Also haven't managed to really embed Stamps, to embed my signature in documents on Acrobat Pro V9 I use Watermarks instead :
1. Menu Document / Watermark / Add : Insert image of signature, adjust scale and position.
2. Menu Advanced / PDF Optimizer / Tab Discard Objects & Tab Discard User Data : Tick all, but you can be more selective and find which option needs to be ticked to embed Watermarks.
Registered: Dec 20 2011
Posts: 1
The easy way to "flatten" or otherwise merge a signature into the pdf is to "re-fry" or re-print the pdf. That is: Print the pdf to a pdf.

I think this is only possible in from version 9 forward, but I could be wrong.

While in acrobat print the file to a new pdf file.

