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How to Change Font in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional

Registered: Dec 31 2009
Posts: 4

How can I chage font size in Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional
I am playing with this for an hour. still no clue.
Please guide me, step by step.

My Product Information:
Acrobat Pro 6.0
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
Hi jnathan,
Something to try ~
Open the Advanced Editing Toolbar.
Select the TouchUp Text Tool.
You may observe a "bar" appear that indicates system fonts are being loaded.
With the TouchUp Text Tool still selected, click-drag a word.
Now, right click to call up the context menu.
Click on "Properties".
If not already in focus, select the "Text" tab.
Look over the options that are present.
For discussion - see Acrobat Help.

Note: Avoid; really avoid, getting carried away with edits.
PDF is not a word processor file format that gracefully excepts format and layout edits.
Based on PostScript, it is an advanced imaging, structured binary file format.
A heavy hand, with edits, can lead to undesired re-pagination (at best).
A very real consequence is that the PDF becomes corrupted beyond any usability.

If you need to do other than very minor edits you need to go back to the authoring file.
If that file is not available, best practice is to leave the PDF alone.
With that said, if you "just have to roll up your sleeves" and dig in then do so on a working copy.
Keep an untouched "master" available ('cause oooops 8^( does happen ).Be well...

Be well...

Registered: Dec 31 2009
Posts: 4
I click on Touchup Text tool, but it stays fade. Click doesnt bring anything.
Registered: Mar 1 2007
Posts: 1420
You may have a PDF that has Document Security applied.
Even when Document Security is applied, the TouchUp Text tool can be selected and used to select renderable text.
(Note that if the PDF content is a scanned image of text that has not had OCR applied then the is no "content" to select.)
If the content of the Text tab, in the TouchUp Properties dialog is "greyed out" then the PDF has Document Security applied.
To check a PDF's security configuration, File > Properties > select the Security tab. If, in the Document Restrictions Summary pane, you observe "Changing the Document: Not Allowed" then all configuration setting fields, in all tabs of the TouchUp Properties dialog will be greyed out.If the TouchUp Text tool cannot be selected at all, regardless of whatever PDF is opened, then you may have a problem with
the installation of Acrobat. I do not recall if Acrobat 6 Pro has the "repair" functionality. If it does, you may want to use it in this circumstance. But, again, this would be for the situation where the tool is unavailable in all cases of opening any PDF.

Be well...

Be well...